I just did this doodle today, which I ended up really liking. Islamic mythology has a bunch of little gems like the djinn, a race of ethereal beings god made from smokeless fire the same way he did with earth for mankind. There are all types of djinn, too, including the Ghul, which lures men into the desert to devour them (among other things - they like eating the dead as well). I just wanted to play with the visuals you could get from a race crafted from "smokeless fire".
Apparently, living in lamps and granting wishes isn't standard practice for the djinn, either. Just a few specific exceptions.
I really like the art style and everything. I would read a series based on that. Like, first half of issue one we wouldn't know about them (except for the old crazy man that no one listens to, but the main character has a kindred spirit with), then something happens, and he becomes connected to them...or something.
Hmmmm... see, I was thinking the key would be the fact that they're thought of as real because of the Koran, except they would only show themselves to people who summoned them (as per muslim sorcery, true stuff) or maybe to peeps who they needed information and stuff from. So the guy meeting them would either need to be a sorceror, or have something the jinn needed so badly that they had to become tangible in our world. Like guns. The guy could be a trader with a bunch of guns or magic swords or some shit.
Fuck, I dunno.
Magic guns!
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